Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Day 1: Wellesley Island...High Camp (July 23, 2011)

Went on a walk around the big loop with Mom, Matt, Morgan and baby Taylor.  Before we headed out though, we had a chance to meet up with Lynn Pyke, as well as Tom and Lynn Ames.  Since Kendra had to head out to Alex Bay to get her hair done for the wedding, I offered to scoop up almost 1 year old Taylor.  She is just hte most adorable chubby little baby.  I took her out in the joggin stroller that we've used so much for Caden.  It was a little strange to push around a baby other than my own.

The park was definitely full, but not busy with the normal activitiy of campers and children.  Perhaps, as Matt suggested, the heat has led them all to retreat to their tents, seeking out the rare breeze.  The other day brought in temperatures well into the 100's, something I haven't felt in a very long while!  I was a bit concerned about little Taylor roasting in the sunshine, but being from Texas, I decided she must be used to this!

I'm excited by the idea that Tom proposed to us just before our walk.  He mentioned that we bring along a stuffed animal to pose in pictures.  I believe we are going to bring the camp Dragon with us to Europe.  I just hope we remember to take it out of our packs!

**Follow-Up Note:  Taylor did fall asleep while I pushed her, but woke up as soon as we got back to her daddy!
The dragon did make it out for a few pictures, but as I feared, he mostly bunked out in my pack during the vacation! Poor little green dragon!  I don't even know where the dragon came from in the first place.  All I know is that my kids, especially Emma, liked to sleep with him on the cot at camp.  Well, hopefully he enjoyed his free pass overseas!

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